David Senesh, Ph.D.
Dr. David Senesh is a Clinical Psychologist and Supervisor of Psychotherapy A lecturer at Levinsky College of Education in Tel Aviv Israel and JTS NYC USA. Dr. Senesh is a graduate of a Canadian University (Calgary, 1988) and an American postdoctoral internship (NEUCOM, Akron 1989). A clinical psychologist and supervisor of psychotherapy in a private clinic and a lecturer at a college of education (Levinsky
College of Education, Tel Aviv, Israel) and an Adjunct Professor in Trauma studies for Rabbinical students (JTS, New York, USA, 2013, 2016). Dr. Senesh served as a member of Directors of ELI (the national association for the protection of abused children in
Israel, Tel Aviv, 1992-1999) and a researcher and former lecturer in Restorative Justice (Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel,2006/7). As a former prisoner of war (Yom
Kippur war, 1973), David is committed to the psychological wellbeing of people under adverse circumstances of oppression and torture. For the past decade he is working pro bono with several professional human rights organizations in Israel and Palestine, including Psychoactive (mental health practitioners for human rights), BE (a group committed to equal rights of all children in the region) and PCATI (Public Committee
Against Tortures in Israel). He is a certified practitioner for the documentation and evaluation of tortures and a certified trainer for the application of the Istanbul Protocols in the forensic assessment of victims. Dr. Senesh volunteered his personal experiences and professional insights for several research projects including Trauma Resilience Axioms at Tulane University and the APA committee on interrogation ethics. See
http://www.pmicasebook.com/PMI_Casebook/Consult_-_Senesh.html. He has published extensively on narratives of trauma, moral resilience and restorative practices in conflict