Tulane Traumatology Institute Overview


To promote research innovation, and interventions that help the traumatized thrive despite their challenges. 


Leadership in the fields connecting trauma with psychology and social work resulting in useful theoretical innovations, practical interventions, and publications.


The Institute will lead innovation for the common good that are consistent with its Mission. Specifically the Institute will promote the development of

  1. Cutting-edge research, assessment, training and education programs focusing on the traumatized that include individual children and adults, families, organizations, and nation states.

  2. Networks among scholars through the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the American Psychological Association, the Society for Social Work Research, and others that translate and provide links across language and culture.

  3. The Routledge Psychosocial Stress Book Series

  4. Promote and support research by students, faculty, and visiting scholars at the Institute.

  5. Provide system-wide services to the traumatized in and around the communities affected in New Orleans.

  6. Co-Sponsor national and international conferences that promote leadership in connecting in discussions about theory, research and practice among psychology and social work scholars.