We now open up this site to colleagues who share the same aim. Like a library, use, share, resources linked here and collaborate. We know it may be impossible to stop torture, given the reality of human behavior and history, we can help those harmed, stop those who harm and help them become whole as well as the torture victim.
This site will provide more and more resources to learn about how the torture traumatized are able to recover -- the risks and protective factors -- and how APA can help make them whole; enable them to recover from their mental and physical injuries and transform their horrific treatment into life-long lessons that enable them to find peace and joy again in their lives.
collaborators and Partners
Become a collaborator, partner, or provide information please contact:
Prof. Charles R. Figley, Ph.D., the Paul Henry Kurzweg, MD Distinguished Chair in Disaster Mental Health at Tulane University and School of Social Work Professor and Associate Dean for Research.
Phone: 504-862-3473
Email: Figley@Tulane.edu or CharlesFigley.Com