Ibrahim Kira, Ph.D.
Ibrahim Kira, Ph.D. is the Director Atlanta’s Center for Cumulative Trauma Studies. The Center is one of the outstanding treatment programs featured in the forthcoming documentary Refuge: Caring for Survivors of Torture. He was educated at the University of Cairo, Egypt and advance degrees from the US. with a PhD in Psychology from St. Mary’s College. His brother being tortured contributed to his interest in the immediate and long-term psychosocial consequences of trauma. He has studied and published about torture trauma immediately following the 9-11 attack on the US. His initial publications in this area were: Kira, I. (2001). Taxonomy of trauma and trauma assessment. Traumatology, 2, 1-14. Kira, I. (2001). Wraparound approach for the treatment of torture survivors: An innovative initiative. Torture, 11(3), 75-76.