Adelphi University: Call for participants in study

Adelphi University: Call for participants in study

You are invited to participate in a study about the experience of people who have been through a trauma but in the past did not get a diagnosis of it. If you are over 18, you have had a traumatic experience (such as the loss of a loved one or domestic violence), and you sought help from a mental health practitioner but did not get a trauma diagnosis, please consider participating in this study.

My hope is to offer you a voice and an opportunity to share your story. I also intend to educate professionals about what this experience is like, with the intention to help develop better policy and programs for survivors of trauma. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Doctoral student at Adelphi University. If you wish to participate, please contact me and we will make arrangements to discuss your experience (in person or via technology). Participation will mean three interviews of 60-90 minutes and review of your interviews. Everything you share is confidential. Please consider participating in this important work; your story is important and can contribute to helping others have a better experience.


Lisa Henshaw, LCSW

(516) 316-6845


January 27, 2017

APA Warns Against Reinstituting 'Enhanced' Interrogation

Urges President Trump not to sign executive order

WASHINGTON — The American Psychological Association called on President Trump to refrain from issuing an executive order that could possibly restart the CIA’s “enhanced” interrogation program.

“APA has expressed its forceful opposition to the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques that were authorized under President George W. Bush and halted by President Obama,” said APA President Antonio E. Puente, PhD. “We are concerned that, if signed by President Trump, this order could open the door to interrogation practices that are now illegal and have been deemed cruel, inhuman and degrading to detainees.”

APA’s fundamental mission includes protecting and promoting human welfare based on what we know from psychological science. The association has a policy that prohibits psychologists from engaging in torture or working in violation of the U.S. Constitution or international law (as deemed by U.N. authorities).

APA also took issue with President Trump’s latest statement asserting that torture is an effective means of soliciting information. “Contrary to the president’s statement, there is no credible scientific evidence that torture works,” Puente said. “But there is evidence that rapport-building interrogation techniques are effective.”

APA has had a policy condemning torture since 1985, which has been reaffirmed and expanded several times since. Psychologists are bound by ethical principles that call for them to “respect the dignity and worth of the individual and strive for the preservation and protection of fundamental human rights.”